Latest report
Reports on the results from VAP are published continuously.
Here you can find the latest report focusing on results from the period May 1999 – June 2023.
You can also read the Danish summary of the monitoring results focusing on July 2021 – June 2023.
Authors: Nora Badawi, Sachin Karan, Eline B. Haarder, Lasse Gudmundsson, Carl H. Hansen, Lars A. Olsen, Carsten B. Nielsen, Finn Plauborg, and Kirsten Kørup
January 2022
Site Characterization and Monitoring Design for the Lund Test Field
September 2001
Site Characterization and Monitoring Design
International publications
Leaching of unexpected cyazofamid degradation products into groundwater demonstrates gaps in current pesticide risk assessment
15May 2024
Nora Badawi, Ulla E. Bollmann, Eline B. Haarder, Christian N. Albers, Kirsten Kørup, Sachin Karan.
Environmental Pollution, Volume: 349 -
Total Phosphorus Determination in Soils Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Evaluating Different Sources of Matrix Effects
Jan 2021
Sara Sánchez-Esteva, Maria Knadel, Rodrigo Labouriau, Gitte H. Rubæk, Goswin Heckrath.
Applied spectroscopy, Volume: 75, Issue: 1 Pages: 22-33 -
Mapping of Agricultural Subsurface Drainage Systems Using a Frequency-Domain Ground Penetrating Radar and Evaluating Its Performance Using a Single-Frequency Multi-Receiver Electromagnetic Induction Instrumen
Triven Koganti, Ellen Van De Vijver, Barry J. Allred, Mogens H. Greve, Jørgen Ringgaard and Bo V. Iversen.
Sensors 2020, 20(14) (this article belongs to the Special Issue Sensors in Agriculture 2020).
Soil Hydraulic Properties Determined by Inverse Modeling of Drip Infiltrometer Experiments Extended with Pedotransfer Functions
Kotlar A. M., Varvaris I., de Jong van Lier Q., Wollesen de Jonge L., Møldrup P., Iversen, B. V. Vadose
Zone Journal 2019: 18.
Development and Uncertainty Assessment of Pedotransfer Functions for Predicting Water Contentsat Specific Pressure Heads
Ali Mehmandoost Kotlar,* Quirijn de Jong van Lier, Alexandre Hugo C. Barros, Bo V. Iversen, and Harry Vereecken Vadose Zone Journal, 2019.
Visible–Near-Infrared Spectroscopy can predict Mass Transport of Dissolved Chemicals through Intact Soil
Katuwal S., Knadel M., Moldrup P., Norgaard T., Greve M. H., de Jonge L. W. Scientific Reports 2018: 8: 11188.
Visible-Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Prediction of Soil Characteristics as Affected by Soil-Water Content
Marakkala Manage L. P., Greve M. H., Knadel M., Moldrup P., de Jonge L. W., Katuwal S. Soil Science Society of America Journal 2018.
Particle Leaching Rates from a Loamy Soil Are Controlled by the Mineral Fines Content and the Degree of Preferential Flow
Norgaard T., Paradelo M., Moldrup P., Katuwal S., de Jonge L. W. Journal of Environmental Quality 2018: 47: 8.
Leaching of viruses and other microorganisms naturally occurring in pig slurry to tile drains on a well-structured loamy field in Denmark
Krog J. S., Forslund A., Larsen L. E., Dalsgaard A., Kjaer J., Olsen P. and Schultz A. C. Hydrogeology Journal 2017: 1-18.
Conservative tracer bromide inhibits pesticide mineralisation in soil
Bech T. B., Rosenbom A. E., Sørensen S. R., Jacobsen C. S. Environmental Pollution 2017: 222: 7. -
Clay-to-Carbon Ratio Controls the Effect of Herbicide Application on Soil Bacterial Richness and Diversity in a Loamy Field
Herath H. M. L. I., Moldrup P., de Jonge L. W., Nicolaisen M., Norgaard T., Arthur E., Paradelo M. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 2016: 228: 3.
When does the fluazifop-P-butyl degradate, TFMP, leach through an agricultural loamy soil to groundwater?
Vendelboe A. L., Norgaard T., Olsen P., de Jonge L. W., Rosenbom A. E. Science of the Total Environment 2016: 562:1044.
Environmental Fate of the Herbicide Fluazifop-P-butyl and Its Degradation Products in Two Loamy Agricultural Soils: A Combined Laboratory and Field Study
Badawi N., Rosenbom A. E., Olsen P., Sørensen S. R. Environmental Science & Technology 2015: 49: 8995-9003.
Can Simple Soil Parameters Explain Field-Scale Variations in Glyphosate-, Bromoxyniloctanoate-, Diflufenican-, and Bentazone Mineralization?
Norgaard T., de Jonge L., Moldrup P., Olsen P., Johnsen A. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 2015: 226: 1-13.
Prediction of the soil water retention curve for structured soil from saturation to oven-dryness
Karup D, Moldrup P, Tuller M, Arthur E, de Jonge LW: Eur J Soil Sci 2016; n/a.
Prediction of biopore- and matrix-dominated flow from X-ray CT-derived macropore network characteristics
Naveed M, Moldrup P, Schaap M.G, Tuller M, Kulkarni R, Vogel HJ, and Wollesen de Jonge L: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016, pp. 4017-4030.
Monitoring of pesticide leaching from cultivated fields in Denmark
W. Brüsch, A.E. Rosenbom, N. Badawi and P. Olsen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin, Vol. 35, 2016, pp. 17-22.
Water and solute transport in agricultural soils predicted by volumetric clay and silt contents
Karup D, Moldrup P, Paradelo M, et al.: J. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 2016; 192:194-202.
Field-scale predictions of soil contaminant sorption using visible–near infrared spectroscopy
Knadel, M., Masís-Meléndez, F., de Jonge, L.W., Moldrup, P., Arthur, E., and Greve, M.H. J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 24, 281–291 (2016)
Assessing soil water repellency of a sandy field with visible near infrared spectroscopy
Knadel, M., Masís-Meléndez, F., de Jonge, L.W., Moldrup, P., Arthur, E., and Greve, M.H. J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 24, 215–224 (2016)
X-ray CT-Derived Soil Characteristics Explain Varying Air, Water, and Solute Transport Properties across a Loamy Field
Paradelo, M., Katuwal, S., Moldrup, P., Norgaard, T., Herath, L., and de Jonge, L. W., Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2016.
Spatial variability of microbial richness and diversity and relationships with soil organic carbon, texture and structure across an agricultural field
Naveed, M., Herath, L., Moldrup, P., Arthur, E., Nicolaisen, M., Norgaard, T., Ferré, T. P. A., and de Jonge, L. W., Applied Soil Ecology, Vol. 103, 2016, pp. 44-55.
A New Two-Stage Approach to predicting the soil water characteristic from saturation to oven-dryness
Jensen, D. K., Tuller, M., de Jonge, L. W., Arthur, E., and Moldrup, P., Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 521, 2015, pp. 498-507.
Effects of Soil Bulk Density on Gas Transport Parameters and Pore-Network Properties across a Sandy Field Site
Masís-Meléndez, F., de Jonge, L. W., Chamindu Deepagoda, T. K. K., Tuller, M., and Moldrup, P., Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 14, No. 7, 2015.
Effects of CT Number Derived Matrix Density on Preferential Flow and Transport in a Macroporous Agricultural Soil
Katuwal, S., Moldrup, P., Lamandé, M., Tuller, M., and de Jonge, L. W., Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 14, No. 7, 2015.
Long-term monitoring of nitrate transport to drainage from three agricultural clayey till fields
Ernstsen, V., Olsen, P., and Rosenbom, A. E.: Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 3475-3488, doi:10.5194/hess-19-3475-2015, 2015
Prediction of the glyphosate sorption coefficient across two loamy agricultural fields
Paradelo, M., Norgaard, T., Moldrup, P., Ferré, T. P. A., Kumari, K. G. I. D., Arthur, E., and de Jonge, L. W., Geoderma, Vol. 259-260, 2015, pp. 224-232
Effects of Soil Compaction and Organic Carbon Content on Preferential Flow in Loamy Field Soils
Soares, A., Moldrup, P., Vendelboe, A. L., Katuwal, S., Norgaard, T., Delerue-Matos, C., Tuller, M., and de Jonge, L. W., Soil Science, Vol. 180, No. 1, 2015, pp. 10-20
Pesticide leaching through sandy and loamy fields – Long-term lessons learnt from the Danish Pesticide Leaching Assessment Programme
Rosenbom, A. E., Olsen, P., Plauborg, F., Grant, R., Juhler, R. K., Brüsch, W., and Kjær, J., Environmental Pollution, Vol. 201, 2015, pp. 75-90
Predictivity Strength of the Spatial Variability of Phenanthrene Sorption Across Two Sandy Loam Fields
Soares, A., Paradelo, M., Moldrup, P., Delerue-Matos, C., and de Jonge, L., Water Air Soil Pollut, Vol. 226, No. 3, 2015, pp. 1-13.
Field-scale variation in colloid dispersibility and transport: multiple linear regressions to soil physico-chemical and structural properties
Norgaard, T., Moldrup, P., Ferre, T. P. A., Katuwal, S., Olsen, P., and de Jonge, L. W.. Journal of Environmental Quality 43, 1764-1778. 9-9-2014. Ref Type: Journal (Full)
Factors influencing the survival and leaching of tetracycline-resistant bacteria and Escherichia coli through structured agricultural fields
Bech, T. B., Rosenbom, A. E., Kjaer, J., Amin, M. M. G., Olsen, P., and Jacobsen, C. S.. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 195, 10-17. 2014. Ref Type: Journal (Full)
Gas diffusion-derived tortuosity governs saturated hydraulic conductivity in sandy soils
Masís-Meléndez, F., Chamindu Deepagoda, T. K. K., de Jonge, L. W., Tuller, M., and Moldrup, P., Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 512, 2014, pp. 388-396.
Leaching of Glyphosate and Aminomethylphosphonic Acid from an Agricultural Field over a Twelve-Year Period
Norgaard, T., Moldrup, P., Ferré, T. P. A., Olsen, P., Rosenbom, A. E., and de Jonge, L. W., Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 13, No. 10, 2014
Simulation of the redistribution and fate of contaminants from soil-injected animal slurry
Amin, M. G. M., Ŝimůnek, J., and Lægdsmand, M., Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 131, No. 0, 2014, pp. 17-29.
Redistribution and persistence of microorganisms and steroid hormones after soil-injection of swine slurry
M.G. Mostofa Amin, Tina B. Bech, Anita Forslund, Martin Hansen, Søren O. Petersen, Mette Lægdsmand Science of the Total Environment 466–467 (2014) 1003–1010
Links between soil properties and steady-state solute transport through cultivated topsoil at the field scale
Koestel, J. K., Norgaard, T., Luong, N. M., Vendelboe, A. L., Moldrup, P., Jarvis, N. J., Lamandé, M., Iversen, B. V., and de Jonge, L. W., Water Resources Research, Vol. 49, No. 2, 2013, pp. 790-807.
Comparative Mapping of Soil Physical-Chemical and Structural Parameters at Field Scale to Identify Zones of Enhanced Leaching Risk
Trine Norgaard, Per Moldrup, Preben Olsen, Anders L. Vendelboe, Bo V. Iversen, Mogens H. Greve, Jeanne Kjaer, and Lis W. de Jonge J. Environ. Qual. 42:271-283 (2013)
Predicting soil organic carbon at field scale using a national soil spectral library
Yi Peng, Maria Knadel, René Gislum, Fan Deng, Trine Norgaard, Lis Wollesen de Jonge, Per Moldrup and Mogens Humlekrog Greve J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 21, 213-222 (2013)
Corrigendum to ‘Leaching of azoxystrobin and its degradation product R234686 from Danish agricultural field sites’ 88 (2012) 554-562
Lisbeth Flindt Jørgensen, Jeanne Kjær, Preben Olsen, Annette Elisabeth Rosenbom Chemosphere 90 (2013) 885
Leaching of azoxystrobin and its degradation product R234886 from Danish agricultural field sites
Lisbeth Flindt Jørgensen et al, 2012, Chemosphere, 88(5), 554-562
Reply to Comments on ”Transport modes and pathways of the strongly sorbing pesticides glyphosate and pendimethalin through structured drained soils” by Petersen, C.T. and Hansen, S.
Jeanne Kjær et al, 2011, Chemosphere, 85(9), 1539-1541.
Transport modes and pathways of the strongly sorbing pesticides glyphosate and pendimethalin through structured drained soils
Jeanne Kjær et al, 2011, Chemosphere, 84(4), 471-479.
Long-term leaching of rimsulfuron degradation products through sandy agricultural soils
Annette Elisabeth Rosenbom et al, 2010, Chemosphere, 79(8), 830-838.
Fate and transport of chlormequat in subsurface environments
René K. Juhler et al, 2010, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 17(6), 1245-1256.
Ability of the MACRO Model to Predict Long-Term Leaching of Metribuzin and Diketometribuzin
Annette Elisabeth Rosenbom et al, 2009, Environmental Science & Technology, 43(9), 3221-3226.
Is tile drainage water representative of root zone leaching of pesticides?
Ole H. Jacobsen et al, 2007, Pest Management Science, 63(5), 417-428.
Leaching of Estrogenic Hormones from Manure-Treated Structured Soils
Jeanne Kjær et al, 2007, Environmental Science&Technology, 41(11), 3911-3917.
Leaching of Metribuzin Metabolites and the Associated Contamination of a Sandy Danish Aquifer
Jeanne Kjær et al, 2005, Environmental Science&Technology, 39(21), 8374-8381.
Leaching of Glyphosate and Amino-Methylphosphonic Acid from Danish Agricultural Field Sites
Jeanne Kjær et al, 2005, Journal of Environmental Quality, 34, 608-620.
In situ, on-site and laboratory measurements of soil air permeability: Boundary conditions and measurement scale
B.V. Iversen et al, 2001, Soil Science, 166(2), 97-106.
Anvendelse, regulering og fund i danske moniteringsundersøgelser
Orientering fra Miljøstyrelsen, 1 2013
Christensen L., S. Marcher, V. Møller, W. Brüsch, A. Rosenbom, A. Duer, M. Bach Madsen & M. Skriver. Bentazon.
Danske Planteværnskonference 2002
Udvaskning af glyphosat vurderet ud fra tre markforsøg
Danske Planteværnskonference 2001
Udvaskningen af pesticider fra kartoffeldyrkning på sandjord, vurderet ud fra markforsøg
Optimized model for evaluating pesticide leaching
Af Rolf Kauffmann, 2022
Simulation of Flow and Transport at Field Site Faardrup
Af Lotte Snedker Jensen, 2020
Simulation of flow and transport at field site Estrup
Af Sissel Olsen, 2019 -
Mapping Soil Physical Structure of an Agricultural Field for Assessing Potential Leaching Risk
Af Trine Nørgaard, 2011
Mapping of Soil Physical Properties for Predicting Preferential Flow at the Field Scale
Af Luong Nhat Minh, 2011
Anvendelse af temperatur og isotopdata til kalibrering af en model for umættet vandstrømning ved Jyndevad i Sønderjylland, Danmark
Af Mette Bakmand-Mikalski, 2011
Environmental fate of pathogens and hormones applied to agricultural land in treated slurry
By Mostofa Amin, 2011